السبت، 22 مارس 2014

تحليل فيدال) اختبار الحمى التيفوديةWIDAL Test



The reagents must have the room temp. before using.
Prepare white slide for using.

Put 20 µ of the reagent A , B , O & H on the white slide separating each other by enough space then put 10 µ serum at each reagent zone

Mix each reagent with it's neighbor serum quickly begin rotate the 4 reagents together for 1 min.

The result depends on each reagent.

If -ve so result have titre 1/40.
If +ve (ppt occur) so the titre 1/80 and repeat by dilution the serum with saline by ratio 1 : 1. Put 10 µ of serum mix 1 with 20 µ of reagents that gives +ve result only by the same steps.

If -ve so result 1/80
If +ve so the titre 1/160 and repeat by the same steps of dilution.

The titre of this test is :

1/40 , 1/80 , 1/160 , 1/320 , 1/640

The diagnostic titre is 1/160 .

(تحليل فيدال) اختبار الحمى التيفودية

اختبار الحمى التيفودية واعراضها ارتفاع فى درجات الحرارة والقىء والتهاب الشعب الهوائية ويمكن ان تسبب تليف فى الكبد .
الكائن المسبب لها يسمى Salmonella sp

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